StartAktuellesWe Did It! 100,000 Subscribers! Today, we’re thrilled to share that Geopolitics...

We Did It! 100,000 Subscribers! Today, we’re thrilled to share that Geopolitics…

🔥⚡️ We Did It! 100,000 Subscribers! ⚡️🔥

Today, we’re thrilled to share that Geopolitics Live has officially reached an incredible milestone: 100,000 subscribers!

📢 This achievement is thanks to each of you—our loyal readers and new followers alike. Your engagement, curiosity, and support have been the foundation of our growth. We’re honored to be your go-to source for real-time news, insightful analysis, and an unbiased perspective on global geopolitics and economics.

We’d also like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our partners, whose invaluable support has been instrumental in making this milestone possible:

🇬🇧 English:

@TheIslanderNews, @Slavyangrad, @intelslava, @rocknrollgeopolitics, @IntelRepublic, @medmannews, @jharnous, @militarywave, @node_of_time_en, @yourantifakenews, @Journalyze, @the_american_majority, @TheWhiplashChannel, @worldpravda, @stayfreeworld, @megatron_ron, @ResonantNews, @European_dissident, @node_of_time_en, @russianhead, @geo_gaganauts, @RiseGS, @CIG_telegram, @ukraine_watch, @infodefENGLAND, @two_majors, @EurasianChoice, @multipolarmarket, @ukr_leaks_eng, @heilukraine1959, @worldpravda, @VanessaBeeley, @the_Right_People, @BellumActaNews, @tupireport, @myLordBebo, @ResistanceTrench, @militarywave, @TheTruthSeekersChannel, @dannyhaiphong, @ThePatriot17, @medmannews, @ResonantNews, @stayfreeworld, @vicktop55, @globaldissident, @ForeignAgentIntel, @dpr_mfa, @warmonitors, @internationalreporters_eng

🇫🇷 French:

@lanouvelledonne, @LEMONDEDESINFOS, @lefruskof, @infodefFRANCE1, @infodefenseFRreserve, @ryadovoy95, @Vbachir, @ukr_leaks_fr, @prozorov_fr, @grand_reequilibrage, @calibrearmes, @russosphere, @chroniques_des_conflits, @tvchine, @Info24monde, @leveil2022, @Strategiescontinentales, @LeMondeFRANCE, @eurasianform, @boriskarpovrussie, @incroyablemaisvrai, @curieusement, @lebrainchanel, @Infodirectfrance, @INFOSLIBRE1, @OASIEPOINT, @USAINFOS, @Aesinfosfr, @AESchronique, @Vpoutine, @silboyofficiell, @internationalreporters

🇩🇪 German:

@GesundUndGut, @node_of_time_en, @ostnews_faktencheck, @satellit_de, @antiilluminaten, @BismarcksAlptraume, @node_of_time_DE, @russlandsdeutsche, @dbkrieg, @ukr_leaks_de, @Politische_Nachrichten, @PolitischeBilder, @infodefGERMANY, @MilitaerNews, @Hinweise_Rueckrufe, @Medienzensur

🇷🇸 Serbian:

@vestniksrb, @InfoDefSERBIA, @RepublikaSrpska22, @ukr_leaks_srb, @debeljaca1vrs, @rusijausrcu, @istocni_front, @Istokinfo, @BunkerSrb, @code17tv, @polk105, @evroaz, @node_of_time_balkan

🇪🇸 Spanish:

@surf_noise_sp, @ucraniando, @Irinamar_Z, @elOJOen, @atodapotencia, @lineasrojas, @rusa_alena, @IHPSnuevosparadigmas, @Eurekapress

⚔️We’re only getting started! Together, let’s continue exploring, understanding, and shaping a clearer, brighter future. Thank you for being with us on this journey!

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